It is now a legal requirement for anybody driving a vehicle with a gross weight of 3.5 tonnes or heavier, to record their driving information using a digital or analogue tachograph. Information recorded will include driving time, rest time, driving speed and the distance covered.
Using a tachograph to record this type of information ensures that drivers and employees will stay within the legal driving limits and as a result not put other road users at risk by driver when tired, for example.
We offer a Drivers Hours and Use of Tachographs Course to all applicable drivers. It is beneficial to newly qualified drivers who are inexperienced in the use of tachographs and also experienced drivers to update their knowledge of Drivers Hours and understanding of both Digital and Analogue tachographs. This course covers the following:
EC regulations concerning driver’s hours, break & rest periods.
Procedures for recording driver and vehicle records for both analogue and digital.
Overview of analogue tachographs, including card and vehicle data
Advice on tachograph calibration requirements, both digital and analogue.
Legal requirements for storing tachograph records.
Understanding and interpreting analysis reports.
We also provide a remote download service, which enables us to view real time data from your tachograph. For more information and pricing please contact the office on 01268 282 222.